When: The next race will be on Friday 13th July 2018, at 7:30pm.
Where: Starts and finishes on the dam head next to the Yorkshire Bridge pub, near Bamford. (see map below)
This is the annual club championship race and is open to all members of Steel City Striders and their guests and is free to enter.
Entry is preferred via pre-entry with an email going out to club members a few weeks prior to the event. Entries will be also taken on the night at Heatherdene car park, a 10 minute jog from the start, but pre-entry is preferred to save time. There are public toilets next to the car park. The race itself is an out and back course on the traffic free track alongside Ladybower reservoir, starting and finishing at the dam head.
The race is designed to be a true club event where everyone in the club can get involved either racing, marshalling, officiating or just cheering the runners from the side: a great opportunity for new (and old!) members to meet and socialise with other members in the club. Pace and speed are unimportant, its a race for all members of all abilities to enjoy.
There will be free food at a local pub after the race so that everyone can get together and socialise.
Note: For all intents and purposes this is a trail race along the side of the reservoir. It is not UK Athletics registered so will not be on Power of 10 etc. Its just a fun night for members of the club to race.
Road shoes will be fine as the trail is compacted in most places.