Longshaw Trust10 Result

Race Date: Sunday 28th February 2016

In case you didn’t know, the Longshaw Trust10 is a free 10k held once a month that encompasses the beautiful National Trust Longshaw Estate. Just the ticket on a Sunday morning if no other races clash!

It was cold, crisp and clear with a thick frost on the ground. This made the muddy sections of the course a lot harder underfoot than in the January Trust10 edition. Amusingly, runners were told to listen and look out for woodpeckers during their run. I for one didn’t hear or see any!

The 10k race was won by Phil Skelton in his first appearance wearing a Striders vest. He ran it in 40:44. First female over the line was Natalie Neville in 50:07.

138 runners ran the whole 10k. A further 6 ran 5k. 19 Striders took part in the event.

Pos Name Time M Pos F Pos
1 Phil Skelton 40.44 1
3 Sam Needham 45.28 3
11 John Armitage 50.04 11
15 Alistair Lawson 51.15 14
17 Rob Davies 51.29 16
19 Ben Nevill 52.1 18
20 Jimmy Sharman 52.56 19
28 Andy Green 54.05 22
34 Colin Hardy 54.59 27
35 Lee Kenton 54.59 28
36 John De’ath 55.08 29
37 Trevor Burton 55.12 30
44 Phil Howson 58.2 32
49 Mir Jansen 58.48 15
76 Emma Beer 1.04.29 29
77 David Perkins 1.04.30 48
86 Hannah Dexter 1.06.34 36
113 Nicole Nield 1.12.57 60
131 Graham Nield 1.20.13 55

The full results are available here: Trust10 28th February 2016 Results

Phil Skelton opening up a gap on the first lap.

Trust10 Feb 28th

Photo courtesy of Paul Gill.